ISSN 1225-7354 / eISSN : 2713-8631
수면정신생리 (6권1호 38-45)
Characteristics of Physiological Variables(EDR, EMG) in Biofeedback Treatment
바이오피이드백 치료에서 나타나는 신체변수(EDR, EMG)의 특성
Seo, Man-Kil;Han, Woo-Sang;Lee, Kyung-Kyu;Yu, Bum-Hee;Lee, Yu-Ri;Kim, E-Yong;Kim, Hyun-Woo;
Dankook University, Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine;Bucheon Seojong Hospital;Department of Psychiatry, Cheon An Hospital, Dankook University School of Medicine;Department of Psychiatry, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine;Department of Psychiatry, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine;Department of Psychiatry, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine;Department of Psychiatry, Cheon An Hospital, Dankook University School of Medicine;
Objectives: We explored the characteristics of physiological variables such as electrodermal response(EDR) and electromyography(EMG) in patients with insomnia, panic disorder, and other anxiety disorders. we aimed to decide the minimum sessions in biofeedback treatment to make the treatment effective and examine the effects of long-term biofeedback treatment by measuring the physiological variables. Methods: Thirty seven outpatients who received biofeedback treatment were divided into 3 groups according to the number of biofeedback sessions(patients who received 4-5 sessions, who received 6-9 sessions, and who received more than 10 sessions). We measured mean and delta values of EDR and EMG levels, and the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale(HARS), and Slef-Relaxation Inventory(SRI) in all patients. Data were analyzed by t-test and repeated measures analysis of variance. Results: The mean and delta values of EDR and EMG levels were not different among the 3 groups during the first 4 biofeedback sessions. However, patients who received more than 10 biofeedback sessions had higher baseline mean EDR value(F=2.233, p=0.036) in the first session, compared with other patients. In patients who received more than 10 biofeedback sessions, mean EDR was significantly reduced after
Biofeedback;Electrodermal Response;Electromyography;Internal cues;EDR;EMG;