ISSN 1225-7354 / eISSN : 2713-8631
수면정신생리 (6권1호 61-67)
The Psychophysicosocial Distresses in Nurses with Shift Work
교대근무 간호사의 정신신체사회적 문제에 대한 연구
Kang, Beom-Mo;Yang, Chang-Kook;
Department of Psychiatry, Dong-A University College of Medicine;Department of Psychiatry, Dong-A University College of Medicine;
Objectives: The aim of this study was to examine the impact of shift work on psychological, physical and social adjustment in nurses. Methods: Two hundred ninety-nine female nurses(179 shift worker, 120 non-shift worker) filled out a questionnaire, which consisted of fifty-six items including demographic characteristics. Subjective ratings of psychological, physical, social and sleeprelated distresses were assessed with a visual analogue scale(100mm). Results: Shift work exerted significantly negative impacts on all psychological, physical, social and sleep-related variables of the shift work nurses. The subjective perception about psychological and physical health of shift work nurses was significantly negative as compared to that of non-shift work nurses. Shift work nurses complained of more shift work related social dysfunction and limited social activity. Shift work nurses were also suffering from significant sleep difficulties as compared to non-shift work nurses. Conclusions: This study suggests that shift work can exert a negative impact on psychological and physical health of nurses as it can cause disturbances of the normal circadian rhythms of the psychophysiological functions, beginning with the sleep-wake cycle. Shift work can also cause difficulties in maintaining the usual relationships both at family and social levels. These results may suggest that we need appropriate coping strategies to overcome adverse effects of shift work.
Shift work;Nurses;Psychophysicosocial distresses;