
수면정신생리 (6권1호 76-84)

The Effects of Total Sleep Deprivation on Anxiety, Mood, Sleepiness and Fatigue

전수면박탈이 정상인의 불안, 기분, 졸리움 및 피로도에 미치는 영향

Lee, Heon-Jeong;Kim, Leen;Joe, Sook-Haeng;Suh, Kwang-Yoon;

Department of Psychiatry, Korea University College of Medicine;Department of Psychiatry, Korea University College of Medicine;Department of Psychiatry, Korea University College of Medicine;Department of Psychiatry, Korea University College of Medicine;


Objectives: A number of studies have shown that sleep deprivation results in reduced vigilance and increased negative affects such as tension, depression and anger. However there are few studies about effects of sleep deprivation on anxiety. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of 40 hour sleep deprivation on state anxiety, affects, sleepiness and fatigue. The authors also intended to study the effect of trait-anxiety on these psychological variables after sleep deprivation. Methods: Twenty nine subjects(22 men, 7 women, $24.59{pm}1.35$ years of age) participated in this study. Subjects had no past history of psychiatric disorders and physical illnesses, and had normal sleep-waking cycle without current sleep disturbances. All of the subjects completed sleep dairy for two weeks to exclude some who suffered from chronic sleep deprivation or sleep disturbances. Subjects were instructed to get a normal sleep as usual at night before the study. After awakening, subjects remained awake for 40 hours under continuous surveillance. They completed State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, Index of General Affect, Stanford Sleepiness Scale and Fatigue Questionnaire every three hours, therefore they completed the scales 14 times totally. Subjects were dictated not to take caffeine, alcohol, or any medications on the day of the study. Heavy exercises and naps were restricted too. Results: Sleep deprivation resulted in increased state anxiety, negative general affects, and increased sleepiness and fatigue(p<.001). Dividing into high trait-anxiety group and low trait-anxiety group, there was significant sleep deprivation x traitanxiety interaction effect on general affect(p<.05). But, there was no significant sleep deprivation x trait-anxiety interaction effect on state-anxiety, sleepiness and fatigue. During sleep deprivation, the highest ratings of scales on anxiety, negative affect, sleepiness and fatigue occurred between 4 : 00AM and 7 : 00AM. Conclusions: These results show that sleep deprivation results in increased anxiety, mood state disturbance and increment of sleepiness and fatigue. These findings also suggest that trait-anxiety is a factor that influences the degree of worsening in general affect caused by sleep deprivation. During sleep deprivation, the rating curves of anxiety, affect, sleepiness and fatigue show rhythmicity that may be related to circadian rhythm.


Total sleep deprivation;State-trait anxiety;Mood;Sleepiness;Fatigue;

