
수면정신생리 (6권2호 143-148)

Neuropsychological Mechanism of Perceptual Disorder

지각 장애의 신경 심리학적 기전

Lee, Sung-Hoon;Park, Yun-Zo;Kim, Dong-Wha;Park, Hae-Jung;Kim, Ji-Woong;

Yonjung Brain Function and Sleep Research Center;Yonjung Brain Function and Sleep Research Center;Department of Psychiatry, Yonsei University, College of Medicine;Yonjung Brain Function and Sleep Research Center;Department of Psychiatry, Yonsei University, College of Medicine;


Objectives: We studied correlations between neuropsychological tests and perceptual disorder in patients with head trauma and psychiatric patients in order to explore the functional localization of brain in perceptual disorders. Methods: Halstead Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery, Korean Wechsler Intelligent Scale, and Minnesota Multiphasic Peronality Inventory(MMPI) were administered to one hundred ninteen patients consisting of sixty nine psychiatric patients and fifty patients with brain damage. We tested the correlation between results of neuropsychological tests and peceptual disorder scale PDS) made from nine items related with perceptual disorder in MMPI. T-tests between twenty one higher scorers and seventeen lower scorers of PDS were also performed in the psychiatric group. Results: In brain damage group, significant correlations were found in tests related with function of frontal lobe such as category tests, trail making tests, tactual performance test, and fingertip number writing test, and significant correlations were also noted in the tests related with function of right hemisphere such as tactual performance test, performance, picture completion, picture arrangement and block design. Tests related with subcortical function such as digit symbol test, arithmetic and digit span were signigicantly correlated, too. In psychiatric group, there were significant differences of PDS in the tests related with function of right hemisphere such as picture completion, block design, and right laterality index, and in the tests related with function of left hemisphere such as comprehension, vocabulary, and similarities. Conclusion: Perceptual disorder seems to be related with functions of frontal lobe, right hemisphere, and subcortex in both groups. In a psychiatric group, left hemisphere may be also partially related with perceptual disorder.


Perceptual dis;order;Hallucination;Neuropsychology;Neuroanatomy;

