
수면정신생리 (6권2호 149-157)

Development of Computerized Neuropsychological Tests for Functional Localization of Brain

뇌의 기능적 국소화를 위한 전산화 신경심리 검사의 개발

Lee, Sung-Hoon;Ahn, Chang-Bum;Park, Hae-Jung;

Yonjung brain Funcation and Sleep Research Center;Department of Electrical Engineering, Kwang Woon University;Yonjung brain Funcation and Sleep Research Center;


A Computerzed Neuropsychological Test(CNT) system using multimedia and object oriented technologies are developed for clinical application in psychiatry. The developed system is composed of 14 neuropsychologial tests which are capable of evaluation of various cognitive functions and functional localization of brain. The system employs Microsoft Window based graphic user interface for easy operation and it has a touch screen and a mouse as input devices from the patient. Speech perception test, color word test, verbal memory test, contingent continuos performance test, and trail making test were translated into korean language, so that usefulness of tests was maximized. Through the results of utilization of this system in the cases of patients with head trauma and psychiatric desorder, this system can be proved to be useful in the evaluation of cognitive function and functional localization of brain.


Neuropsychological test brain function;Computerized neuropsychological test;Functional localization;

