ISSN 1225-7354 / eISSN : 2713-8631
수면정신생리 (10권1호 32-38)
Effects of Stress and Personality Characteristics on Sleep
스트레스와 성격요인이 수면에 미치는 영향
Yoon, Ho-Kyoung;Kang, Seung-Gul;Ham, Byung-Joo;Lee, Heon-Jeong;Kwon, Ho-In;Suh, Kwang-Yoon;Kim, Leen;
Department of Psychiatry, Korea University, College of Medicine;Department of Psychiatry, Korea University, College of Medicine;Department of Psychiatry, Korea University, College of Medicine;Department of Psychiatry, Korea University, College of Medicine;Department of Psychiatry, Korea University, College of Medicine;Department of Psychiatry, Korea University, College of Medicine;Department of Psychiatry, Korea University, College of Medicine;
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of stress and personality on sleep patterns, and further, to identify potential correlations between stress and personality characteristics. Methods: A total of 174 healthy college students were subjects for this study. Participants filled out the Daily Stress Inventory before sleep and the Modified Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index after sleep on three consecutive days. They also filled out the 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire (16-PF), BDI (Beck Depression Inventory) and STAI (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory). Results: Minor stresses highly correlated with subjective sleep quality and symptoms of non-restorative sleep. However, total sleep time, sleep latency, awakening frequency, and frequency of dreams were not explained by stress scores. The O (guilty feeling), C (low ego strength) and Q4 (high anxiety) factors of the 16-PF also highly correlated with symptoms of non-restorative sleep and significantly affected sleep patterns. BDI and STAI scores also correlated with the above personality factors and minor stresses. Conclusion: This study showed that minor stresses impaired the restorative effects of sleep. Personality characteristics such as low ego strength, high levels of anxiety, and feelings of guilt were vulnerable to minor stresses. Minor stress, various personality characteristics, different coping patterns, and emotional response are highly correlated with each other and affect sleep patterns.