
수면정신생리 (15권2호 71-76)

Differences of EEG and Sleep Structure in Pediatric Sleep Apnea and Controls

소아 수면무호흡증 환아와 정상 소아에서 수면구조와 뇌파 양상 차이

Ahn, Young-Min;Shin, Hong-Beom;Kim, Eui-Joong;

Department of Pediatrics, Eulji University School of Medicine;Komoki Sleep Center;Department of Psychiatry, Eulji University School of Medicine;


Introduction: In this study, we compared sleep structure, EEG characteristic of pediatric obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and normal controls which were matched in sex and age. Methods: Fifteen children (male:female=4:11) who complained snoring and were suspected to have sleep apnea and their age and sex matched normal controls (male:female=5:10) have been done nocturnal polysomnography (NPSG). Sleep parameters, sleep apnea variables and relative spectral components of EEG from NPSG have been compared between both groups. Results: Pediatric OSA group were distinguished from normal controls in terms of apnea index, respiratory disturbance index and nadir of oxyhemoglobulin desaturation. Pediatric OSA group showed increased percent of sleep stage 1, decreased rapid eye movement sleep percent and increased delta power in O1 EEG channel. However other sleep parameters and spectral powers were not different between two groups. Conclusion: In pediatric OSA group, sleep structure parameter disruption may be not prominent as the previous studies for adult OSA group because of including mild OSA data in diagnostic criteria. In addition, EEG changes might not be distinct due to low arousal index compared to adult OSA patients. We can observe general characteristics and particularity of pediatric OSA through this study.


Pediatric sleep apnea;EEG;Spectral analysis;

