
수면정신생리 (2권1호 31-43)

Clinical Applications of Quantitative EEG

정량화 뇌파(QEEG)의 임상적 이용

Youn, Tak;Kwon, Jun-Soo;

Department of Psychiatry, Seoul National University Hospital;Department of Psychiatry, Seoul National University Hospital;


Recently, the methods that measure and analyze brain electrical activity quantitatively have been available with the rapid development of computer technology. The quantitative electroencephalography(QEEG) is a method of computer-assisted analyzing brain electrical activity. The QEEG allows for a more sensitive, precise and reproducible examination of EEG data than that can be accomplished by conventional EEG. It is possible to compare various EEG parameters each other by using QEEG. Neurometrics, a kind of the quantitative EEG. is to compare EEG characteristics of the patient with normative data to determine in what way the patient''s EEG deviates from normality and to discriminate among psychiatric disorders. Nowadays, QEEG is far superior to conventional EEG in its detection of abnormality and in its usefulness in psychiatric differential diagnosis. The abnormal findings of QEEG in various psychiatric disorders are also discussed.



