ISSN 1225-7354 / eISSN : 2713-8631
수면정신생리 (23권2호 61-67)
Comparative Effects of Mattress Type on Subjective and Objective Sleep Quality : A Preliminary Study
매트리스의 종류가 건강한 성인의 주관적, 객관적 수면의 질에 미치는 영향에 대한 탐색적 연구
Choi, Jae-Won;Lee, Yu Jin;Kim, Soohyun;Lee, Joonki;Jeong, Do-Un;
Department of Psychiatry and Center for Sleep and Chronobiology, Seoul National University College of Medicine and Hospital;Department of Psychiatry and Center for Sleep and Chronobiology, Seoul National University College of Medicine and Hospital;Department of Psychiatry and Center for Sleep and Chronobiology, Seoul National University College of Medicine and Hospital;Department of Preventive Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine;Department of Psychiatry and Center for Sleep and Chronobiology, Seoul National University College of Medicine and Hospital;
Objectives: We aimed to evaluate the effects of mattress type on both objective and subjective sleep quality in healthy good sleepers. Methods: Fifteen healthy good sleepers with a mean age of 30.8 years participated in this study. A randomized crossover trial was carried out using two different mattress types: a standard mattress and a contour coil mattress. After a night of adaptation, all participants were randomized to either a standard mattress or a contour coil mattress. Then, nocturnal polysomnography was conducted for two consecutive nights. Subjective evaluations were obtained using a self-report questionnaire before and after the polysomnographic recording sessions. Results: The polysomnographic showed no differences in total sleep time, sleep stage, or wake time after sleep onset between the two mattress conditions. Of the polysomnographic variables, only sleep onset latency was significantly reduced for the contour coil mattress. Additionally, participants reported better subjective sleep quality when sleeping on the contour coil mattress, according to the questionnaires. Conclusion: The type of mattress might affect not only subjective, but also objective sleep quality, including sleep onset latency.
Beds;Sleep;Surveys and questionnaires;Polysomnography;