
수면정신생리 (2권1호 91-96)

A Case of 24-Year-Old Woman with Recurrent Hypersomnic Complaint

수면과다증을 반복적으로 보이는 24세 여자환자

Yoon, In-Young;Jeong, Do-Un;

Department of Psychiatry, Seoul National University College of Medicine, and Division of Sleep Studies, Seoul National University Hospital;Department of Psychiatry, Seoul National University College of Medicine, and Division of Sleep Studies, Seoul National University Hospital;


A 24-year-old woman complained of recurrent episodes of hypersomnia lasting on the average about 15 days with mild mood alternation such as depression and irritability. During interepisode interval, she was free of any symptoms. Depending on the absence of excessive eating and hypersexuality, she was clinically diagnosed as recurrent monosymptomatic hypersomnia or the incomplete form of Kleine-Levin syndrome. When nocturnal polysomnography and multiple sleep latency test were performed 10 days after her recovery from a hypersomnic episode, reduced slow wave sleep % and pathologic daytime sleepiness were still noted. The authors suggest that the clinical recovery in recurrent monosymptomatic hypersomnia precede electrophysiological normalization by several days.


Recurrent monosymptomatic hypersomnia;Klene-Levin syndrome;Nocturnal polysomnography;Multiple sleep latency test;

