
수면정신생리 (28권1호 2-5)

Neuromodulation for Insomnia Management

불면증 치료법으로서의 뉴로모듈레이션

Ho-Kyoung Yoon

Department of Psychiatry, Korea University Ansan Hospital, Ansan, Korea


Hyperarousal or increased brain excitability is thought to play a key role in the pathophysiology of insomnia. Neuromodulation techniques are emergent complementary therapies for insomnia and can improve sleep by modulating cortical excitability. A growing body of literature support the idea that neuromodulation can be effective in improving sleep or treating insomnia. Recent evidence has revealed that neuromodulation methods can improve objective and subjective sleep measures in individuals with insomnia, although effects vary according to protocol. Different mechanisms of action might explain the relative efficacy of neuromodulation techniques on sleep outcomes. Further research testing different stimulation parameters, replicating existing protocols, and adding standardized sleep-related outcomes could provide further evidence on the clinical utility of neuromodulation techniques. Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology 2021;28(1):2-5


Brain stimulation·Insomnia·Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation· Transcranial alternating current stimulation·Transcranial direct current stimulation.

