ISSN 1225-7354 / eISSN : 2713-8631
수면정신생리 (28권1호 13-17)
Mindfulness-Based Therapy for Insomnia
마음챙김명상과 불면증
Hwa Young Lee
ment of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang Uni-versity, Cheonan Hospital, Cheonan, Korea
Sleep disturbance is a common health complaint affecting an estimated 10-25% of the general population. Pharmacotherapy is a traditional treatment and cognitive behavioral therapy is well demonstrated as an efficacious treatment for insomnia. There is a growing interest in the effectiveness of mindfulness meditation for sleep disturbed populations. Mindfulness involves focused, purposeful, nonjudgmental attention to a particular idea. In clinical application of mindfulness practice, mindfulnessbased stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy are used widely. Clinical trials support the effectiveness of meditation for the treatment of insomnia. The aim of this article is to review the effect of mindfulness meditation on insomnia. Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology 2021;28(1):13-17
Insomnia·Mindfulness·Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy·Mindfulness meditation.