ISSN 1225-7354 / eISSN : 2713-8631
수면정신생리 (28권1호 27-33)
A Comparison of the Effects between Eye-Mask and Light-Off Conditions on Psychiatric Patient Sleep
야간 조명 하 안대와 소등의 수면에 대한 효과 비교
Juyong Shin, Kyoung-Ok Lim, Seongnam Cho, Soyeong Jang, Seung-Min Cha, Songyi Han, Moojin Kim
Departments of Psychiatry, National Forensic Psychiatric Hospital, Gongju, Korea
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate the difference in the effects of eye-mask and light-off on sleep status according to a commercial fitness tracker and a sleep diary of psychiatric in-patients in correctional facilities where nocturnal light is compulsory. Methods: This study was conducted over 3 consecutive nights. In-patients of the National Forensic Psychiatric Hospital (n = 29) were assigned random subject numbers and slept as usual in the light-on condition on the first night. The subjects slept with eye-masks in the light-on condition on another night and without an eye-mask in the light-off condition on the other night. Subjects were asked to sleep wearing a commercial fitness tracker and to keep a sleep diary. The order of these changes in bedroom lighting condition on the second and third nights was assigned randomly to participants. Results: In comparison of the sleep variables between the light-on condition and the eye-mask condition, the Wakefullness After Sleep Onset (WASO) was shorter and sleep satisfaction was higher in the latter.(respectively, Z = 3.66, p < 0.017 ; Z = 2.69, p < 0.017) In comparison of the sleep variables between the light-on and light-off conditions, the WASO was shorter and sleep efficiency and sleep satisfaction were higher in the latter (respectively, Z = 2.40, p < 0.017 ; Z = 3.02, p < 0.017 ; Z = 3.88, p < 0.017). However, there were no differences in the sleep variables between the eye-mask condition and the light-off condition. Conclusion: Subjective improvements in sleep variables were noted in sleep diaries of institutionalized psychiatric patients under either the ‘eye-mask’ or ‘light-off’ condition. However, there were no significant differences between the ‘eye-mask’ and ‘light-off’ conditions. Therefore, we suggest that psychiatric patients in correctional facilities use eye-masks when sleeping. Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology 2021;28(1):27-33
: Bedroom lighting environment·Correctional facilities·Eye-mask·Fitness tracker·Psychiatric patients·Sleep diary.