
수면정신생리 (2권2호 115-128)

Neuropsychological Assessment for Children with Psychiatric Disorders

소아정신과 장애 아동의 신경심리학적 평가

Shin, Min-Sup;

Department of Child-Adolescent Psychiatry, Seoul National University College of Medicine;


Present study reviewed various standardized neuropsychological assessment methods for children that are widely used in Korean child-psychiatric clinic settings to evaluate neurological problems, especially soft neurological signs that could not be identified by neurological techniques like CT, MRI. The characteristics of those neuropsychological test responses in children with psychiatric disorders that neurological factors are thought to play more important role than psychological factors in their etiology were examined. It is more important and required to establish the developmental norms for interpreting the results of neuropsychological tests and for identifying the signs of brain damage in case of children than adults. There are many difficulties in diagnosing brain dysfunction and conducting research for neurological problems in psychiatric disordered children due to lack of the standardized Korean version of neuropsyhological test for children, Therefore, several issues on developing the Korean version of neuropsyhological tests for children were discussed.


Neuropsychological assessment;Child psychiatric disorder;

