ISSN 1225-7354 / eISSN : 2713-8631
수면정신생리 (2권2호 129-132)
Clinical Applications of Neuropsychological Tests in Psychiatry - Focused on Neurosis -
정신과 영역에서의 신경심리학 - 신 경 증 -
Kim, Chan-Hyung;Lee, Sung-Hoon;
Department of Psychiatry, Yonsei University College of Medicine;Yonjung Brain Function and Sleep Research Center;
The goal of neuropsychological tests is to identify the neuropsychological dysfunction in psychiatric disorders such as organic mental disorders and schizophrenia, to develop the exe-cutive and monitor treatment plan and to make a cognitive rehabilitation program. Also, it will provide a more useful information that neurpsychological tests will be applied to neurotic out-patients in combination with conventional psychological test. However, many researches should be performed to further clarify the usefulness of neuropsychological test in neurosis.
Neuropsychological test;Neurosis;