ISSN 1225-7354 / eISSN : 2713-8631
수면정신생리 (3권1호 79-84)
Polysomnographic Findings in Kleine-Levin Syndrome
Kleine-Levin Syndrome의 수면 다원 검사 소견
Lee, Sung-Hoon;
Yonjung Brain Function and Sleep Research Center;
Kleine-Levin syndrome is a disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of hypersomnia, hyperphagia and hypersexuality that typically occur weeks or months apart. A 17-years-old male showed these episodes and took nocturnal polysomnography(NPSG) and multiple sleep latency test(MSLT). As results of NPSG, sleep latency was 82.5min, sleep efficiency was 82.5min, sleep efficiency was 82.5%, latency and percentage of REM sleep were 106.5min and 14.6% and percentage of slow wave sleep was 12.7%. In 4 times MLST, average of sleep latency and REM latency were 8min 7sec and 5min 20sec with 3 times sleep onset REM period(SOREMP). These findings are consistent with these of Keine-Levin syndrome. And the possible causes and classification of this syndrome were discussed.
Kleine-Levin syndrome;Recurrent hypersom;nia;Polysomnography;Multiple sleep latency test;REM sleep;