ISSN 1225-7354 / eISSN : 2713-8631
수면정신생리 (3권2호 56-64)
Sleep Behavior and Sleeplessness in Children
소아 수면 행태와 불면증
Lee, Sung-Hoon;
Yonjung Brain Function and Sleep Research Center;
The sleeplessness in childhood is quite different from that in adulthood in terms of causes, developmental process, and treatment. Sleep behavior in childhood is strongly influenced by parental personality and familial and cultural background. In understanding and management of sleeplessness of children, it is especially important to understand the separation anxiety and the ways of its management in bedtime because bedtime routine with children one of separation process from parents. Co-sleeping, parental intervention, transional object and bedtime routines can be appeared in order to reduce the anxiety from bedtime separation. Causes of sleeplessness in infant and toddler are bad sleep-onset association, nocturnal drinking, colic, and food allergy. In preschool and school aged children, limit-setting sleep problem and fears and nightmare can be causes of sleeplessness. When good sleep environment and habits are established sound sleep and more mature personality can be developed.
Child sleep disorder;Child insomnia;Child sleep behavior;Separation anxiety;