ISSN 1225-7354 / eISSN : 2713-8631
수면정신생리 (13권2호 59-66)
The Relationship between Insomnia Severity and Depression, Anxiety and Anxiety Sensitivity in General Population
불면증의 심각도와 우울, 불안 및 불안 민감성의 관계
Kim, Na-Hyun;Choi, Hong-Min;Lim, Se-Won;Oh, Kang-Seob;
Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Sungkyunkwan Universitry, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital;Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Sungkyunkwan Universitry, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital;Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Sungkyunkwan Universitry, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital;Department of Psychiatry, College of Medicine, Sungkyunkwan Universitry, Kangbuk Samsung Hospital;
The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between insomnia severity, depression, anxiety, and anxiety sensitivity and to find out the explanatory variables that account for the insomnia severity among depression, anxiety, and anxiety sensitivity in general population. 95 mentally healthy volunteers who visit health promotion center of Kangbuk Samsung hospital for their regular medical examination were requested to complete Athens Insomnia Scale, Beck Depression Inventory, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and Anxiety Sensitivity Index. Association between total scores of Athens Insomnia Scale and other variables (total scores of Beck Depression Inventory excluded item 16, total scores of State Anxiety, total scores of Trait Anxiety, and total scores of Anxiety Sensitivity Scale) was assessed individually with partial correlations adjusted by age and then together using multiple regression analysis. The total scores of Athens Insomnia Scale were significantly associated with total scores of Beck Depression Inventory excluded item 16 (r=0.541, p<0.001), total scores of Trait Anxiety (r=0.642, p<0.001), total scores of State Anxiety (r=0.267, p<0.05), and total scores of Anxiety Sensitivity Index (r=0.312, p<0.01). Total scores of trait anxiety showed the highest correlation with the total scores of Athens Insomnia Scale and was the significant predictor to total scores of Athens Insomnia Scale among the other predictor variables (p<0.001). These results show that insomnia severity is positively correlated with depression, anxiety, and anxiety sensitivity. The correlation was strongest with trait anxiety. In addition, our results suggest that trait anxiety is associated with insomnia severity in general populations.
Insomnia;Anxiety;Depression;Anxiety sensitivity;