ISSN 1225-7354 / eISSN : 2713-8631
수면정신생리 (3권1호 85-95)
A Case of Childhood Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome with Co-morbid Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Treated with Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Treatment
지속적(持續的) 상기도(上氣道) 양압술(陽壓術)을 시행(施行)하여 치료효과(治療效果)를 본 주의력(注意力) 결핍(缺乏).과잉(過剩) 운동장애(運動障碍)를 동반(同伴)한 소아기(小兒基) 폐쇄성(閉鎖性) 수면무호흡증(睡眠無呼吸症) 1례(例)
Sohn, Chang-Ho;Shin, Min-Sup;Hong, Kang-E;Jeong, Do-Un;
Department of Neuropsychiatry and Division of Sleep Studies, Seoul National University Hospital;Division of Child-Adolescent Psychiatry, Department of Neuropsychiatry, Seoul National University Hospital;Division of Child-Adolescent Psychiatry, Department of Neuropsychiatry, Seoul National University Hospital;Department of Neuropsychiatry and Division of Sleep Studies, Seoul National University Hospital;
Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome(OSAS) in childhood is unique and different n-om that in adulthood in several aspects, including pathophysiology, clinical features, diagnostic criteria, complications, management, and prognosis. Characteristic features of childhood OSAS in comparison with the adult form are the variety of severe complications such as developmental delay, more prominent behavioral and cognitive impairments, vivid cardiovascular symptoms, and increased death risk, warranting a special attention to the possible diagnosis of OSAS in children who snore. However, the childhood OSAS is often neglected and unrecognized. We, therefore, report a case of very severe OSAS in a 5-year-old boy who was sucessfully treated with continuous positive airway pressure(CPAP) treatment. Interestingly, the patient was comor-bid with the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Prior to the initial visit to us, adenotonsillectomy had been done at the age of 4 with no significant improvement of apneic symptoms and heavy snoring. On the initial diagnostic procedures, marked degree of snoring was audible even in the daytime wake state and the patient was observed to be very hyperactive. Increased pulmonary vascularity with borderline cardiomegaly was noted on chest X-ray. The baseline polysomnography revealed that the patient was very sleep-apneic and snored very heavily, with the respiratory disturbance index(RDI) of 46.9 per hour of sleep, the mean SaO2 of 78.8%, and the lowest SaO2 of 40.0%(the lowest detectable oxygen level by the applied oxymeter). The second night polysomnography was done for CPAP titration and the optimal pressure turned out to be
Childhood obstructive sleep apnea syndrome;Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder;Continuous positive airway pressure treatment;Polysomnography;Intelligence;Growth and development;